Monday, September 15, 2014

Headwounds and blowouts

If you clicked on this blog post, you deserve a prize!  Probably the most unappealing title I've ever used, but that's motherhood for you!  I wonder if I'm going to survive AJ's toddler years, that kid is always falling down, tripping over things, and hitting his head!  He's finally starting to walk while holding someone's hand, and Saturday he fell in the parking lot of a restaurant.  Adam didn't have a tight grip on him and he scraped his head and lip, poor guy.  That one didn't concern me too much, like I said, he bumps his head a lot!  He looked a little rough and he cried for several minutes, but after that he was fine. 

Sunday was another story though.  We went to my Dad's apartment to hang out. AJ was already tired, it was close to his naptime when we got there and I figured he'd fall asleep and take a nap while we visited.  Trouble was, he started asking for his paci, which he likes to have at naptime, and we realized we didn't have one with us.  Since we only live about  minutes from Dad, Adam went to get one.  We decided to walk to the playground on site to distract AJ from his lack of paci.  Well, he went racing down the sidewalk.  I caught up to him and turned him around and he started back toward my dad and Angie and of course, he tripped.  He really smacked his head that time.  UGH it was awful!  Right away, he had a big bruise and a goose egg on his forehead.  I was really nervous, just at the size of it.  He stopped crying after about 10 minutes, and by that point, he was completely worn out and falling asleep, which only made me MORE nervous.  We took him back in the house and laid him down and I decided to call the nurses line.  They were very nice and after asking lots of questions, assured me that it didn't sound like anything serious, but to watch him closely, make sure he'd rouse every so often and call back if any symptoms she mentioned showed up.  He woke up from his nap a while later in a very good mood and even went to the playground and ran around for awhile, acting no worse for the wear while I hovered over him nervously. 

His head looks better today, though it's still pitiful to see my little guy bruised.  We checked on him during the night, just to be sure (yeah I'm paranoid, sue me) but he doesn't even seem bothered by any of it.  Man, this rough and tumble stage is tough on the mama!  I felt so guilty that I wasn't holding on to him, even thought I know this happens all the time and I can't always be holding onto his hand.  I'm just glad he's okay.

The kids both had fun, mostly playing with my dad's dachshund's Oscar and Charlie.  Then we went to Steak N Shake for dinner.  While we were waiting for our food, Adam suddenly discovered that AJ had a MAJOR blowout...seriously, it was the kind you normally would just put the kid in the bathtub!  Oh it was horrible.  We took him in the bathroom (yes both of us, I'm not kidding, this was a two person job!) and cleaned him up the best we could. Then I left Adam to do that actual diaper change and I ran around the corner to buy him a new set of clothes, since both his shirt and jeans were not at all wearable at this point.  15 minutes later I got back, pulled his new shirt on him (he looked funny, sitting shirtless in his high chair, we had an extra set of shorts, but no shirts in the diaper and learn!) and ate my somewhat cold dinner and rewarded my stressed mommy self with a hot fudge sundae too! 

Ah the day in the life of parents!  Never a dull moment!


Janet said...

Oh, man! It's crazy how often the head bonks happen. I swear one of my boys always has about 14 bruises or cuts/scrapes at any given time. Sometimes both of them....

Megs said...

Oof, stressful! Glad the little guy was okay, and boy - you earned that sundae!

Jessah @ Dreaming of Dimples said...

It's always the boys isn't it. I'm scared what my boy is going to be like. If he's anything like daddy, a little dare devil.

ADSchill said...

Oh gosh. My son is ALWAYS getting hurt. He's been falling consistently all summer and had bruises and scrapes everywhere. He's gotten a little bit more stable on his feet lately, but still has a boo-boo at least every other day. Yesterday he ran headfirst into his cousin and fell backwards smacking his head. Now he has a bruise on his cheekbone and a bump on the back of his head. I suppose it never ends with boys.